Friday, 3 October 2014

One Piece 762. !Spoilers!


Good evening/morning (it's 2am here),

So I know most of my posts have been about One Piece but i'm still geekin out about it. So the new chapter came out today and we finally got our Trafalgar Law flashback, and guess what? Now we don't want it. Oda, you can have it back.

Traffy is like the love of my life (seriously, <3) so all this heartbreaking stuff that's happened to him throughout his life is keeping me up at night (not literally. but still.) I bet when creating the whole Dressrosa arc, no, in fact, way before that, I bet Oda thought he'd create loads of lovable characters and then get everybodys hearts and put them into a blender by giving them such tragic back stories. As I said in my last post, one of the things I love about One Piece is the whole 'brother' dynamic, and I think that's why this is effecting me so much. Law reminds me a little of Ace. Where Law wants to destroy everything and kill everyone before he dies, Ace wanted to find out why he was living. Let face it, I don't need another reminder of Ace. Cries.

I found this on Tumblr and I had to share it cause it just makes sense. Source:
In this chapter we get to see Lawsie's family for the first time, and if you walked in on me reading this, you would have seen me gawking. He has a sister and when I found that out I just crumbled, not only that, but they were such a lovely normal family who were trying to find a cure for the poison, just like how the nun stayed behind to save the children. Law must have been reminded of that when the Strawhats wanted to stay behind on Punk Hazard. Everything is coming together in a really awful way.

This is a picture of a normal happy family THAT PRESENT DAY LAW COULD HAVE SAVED. Imagine how much remorse he feels. Omg it's killing me. Before Lamie dies, Law gave up his chance of escape to hold her hand and reassure her, despite knowing that there wasn't a chance. Seriously, older brothers in One Piece = <3.

Not only that, but everyone treats little baby Law like nothing but a disease despite what he's been through...

Baby 5 won't even touch any part of him other than his hat, and Trebol refused to even go near him. HE'S A BABY DAMN IT! GIVE HIM A HUG!
This chapter was so important, not only do we get baby Dellinger (seriously, cute cute), but we see this:

This is so fascinating, because now I'm all confused over what to expect next, and how exactly Law and Corazon's relationship works out. Where do relations go downhill with Doflamingo? So much so that this happens:

I mean seriously, how much of a dick is Dof that he has to use lead bullets to remind Law of his past. What a kick in the balls. That's why I hate to love Doflamingo. Yeah, he's a prick, and I hate him for all the wrongs he's done to King Riku, and Rebecca, and the Tontatta, and Bellamy, and Luffy, and, most importantly, Law, but he's also one of the best, most interesting and charismatic villains that's ever graced One Piece. I will actually be kind of sad when he leaves, because he's so interesting. He's so evil, yet so respectful of his crew/family. Stupid Doflamingo. I love/hate you.

So in 762 the fandom kind of burst into flames. We see baby Dellinger, loving big brother Doffy, Trafalgar (everyone I love is dead) Law's family, Law's friends which were all suddenly BRUTALLY MURDERED (Oda, please)....So I have a happy little theory and a sad little theory:

Happy little theory - No one actually SAW Lamie die. MAYBE she will come back...
Sad...super sad....heartbreaking....theory: What if Law did the eternal life surgery on Luffy after Marineford? What if Law is going to die? That's why he put all his faith in Luffy. What if he saved him in the first place because he couldn't save his family? Oh no. Oda can't do that to us.

Protect Law.

Niff x


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